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Last update:
3 structure changes including:
1 Breaking change
2 Additions
1 Removal
Removed 1 Breaking
GET /data/preview-files/{preview_file_id}/extract-frame
Added 2
GET /actions/preview-files/{preview_file_id}/extract-frame
GET /movies/tiles/preview-files/{instance_id}.png
1 structure change including:
1 Addition
Added 1
GET /data/persons/task-dates
1 structure change including:
1 Addition
Added 1
GET /data/preview-files/{preview_file_id}/extract-frame
3 structure changes including:
2 Additions
1 Modification
Modified 1
POST /actions/tasks/{task_id}/comments/{comment_id}/add-preview
  • Body
  • content type Added
Added 2
POST /import/edl/projects/{project_id}
POST /import/edl/projects/{project_id}/episodes/{episode_id}
25 structure changes including:
1 Breaking change
21 Additions
3 Modifications
1 Removal
Modified 3 Breaking
POST /actions/tasks/{task_id}/time-spents/{date}/persons/{person_id}/add
  • Body
  • content type Modified
    • duration property Modified
POST /actions/tasks/{task_id}/time-spents/{date}/persons/{person_id}
  • Body
  • content type Modified
    • duration property Modified
GET /data/projects/{project_id}/news
  • Query
  • episode_id query parameter Added
Removed 1 Breaking
GET /data/persons/{instance_id}
Added 21
PUT /auth/totp
PUT /auth/recovery-codes
PUT /auth/fido
PUT /auth/email-otp
PUT /actions/tasks/{task_id}/set-main-preview
POST /auth/totp
POST /auth/fido
POST /auth/email-otp
POST /actions/projects/{project_id}/task-types/{task_type_id}/create-tasks/{entity_type}/
POST /actions/persons/{person_id}/change-password
GET /data/user/tasks-to-check
GET /data/projects/{project_id}/sequences/all/casting
GET /data/projects/{project_id}/episodes/{episode_id}/sequences/all/casting
GET /data/projects/news
GET /auth/fido
GET /auth/email-otp
GET /actions/tasks/{task_id}/time-spents
DELETE /auth/totp
DELETE /auth/fido
DELETE /auth/email-otp
DELETE /actions/persons/{person_id}/disable-two-factor-authentication