Kitsu API

Base URL

Welcome to the Kitsu API specification

Version: 0.19.48

The Kitsu API allows to store and manage the data of your animation/VFX production. Through it you can link all the tools of your pipeline and make sure they are all synchronized.

An easy to use Python client to access this API is available: Python Kitsu Client documentation

Authentication<div class="auth">

Before you can use any of the endpoints outline below, you will have to get a JWT token to authorize your requests.

You can get a authorization token using a (form-encoded) POST request to /auth/login. With curl this would look something like curl -X POST <server_address>/auth/login -d "email=<youremail>&password=<yourpassword>.

The response is a JSON object, specifically you'll need to provide the access_token for your future requests.

Here is a complete authentication process as an example (again using curl):

$ curl -X POST <server_address>/api/auth/login -d "email=<youremail>&password=<yourpassword>"'
{"login": true", "access_token": "eyJ0e...", ...}
$ jwt=eyJ0e...  # Store the access token for easier use
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $jwt" <server_address>/api/data/projects

OpenAPI definition

This is version 0.19.48 of this API documentation. Last update on Jul 22, 2024.

This API is provided under license AGPL 3.0.