Create new working file.

POST /data/tasks/{task_id}/working-files/new

A working file is a file used to produce output files. It is the file the CG artist is working on. It is versioned, tied to a task and a software and requires a comment each time it is created. A path is generated for each file created. The path format is defined in the file tree template file.

Path parameters


Name, mode, description, comment, person ID, software ID, revision and separator.


  • New working file created

  • Given working file already exists

POST /data/tasks/{task_id}/working-files/new
curl \
 -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/data/tasks/{task_id}/working-files/new \
 -d '{"name":"string","mode":"working","description":"string","comment":"string","person_id":"a24a6ea4-ce75-4665-a070-57453082c25","software_id":"a24a6ea4-ce75-4665-a070-57453082c25","revision":42,"sep":"/"}'
Request examples
  "name": "string",
  "mode": "working",
  "description": "string",
  "comment": "string",
  "person_id": "a24a6ea4-ce75-4665-a070-57453082c25",
  "software_id": "a24a6ea4-ce75-4665-a070-57453082c25",
  "revision": 42,
  "sep": "/"
Response examples (201)